Measured Building Survey in Sussex, Surrey & Kent
Whether you want to extend, covert or alter your property the chances are you will require a measured survey of your existing property. We can provide measured surveys of your existing buildings with prices starting from £350 +vat
If you have a property that you are looking to alter, extend or convert the chances are you will require a measured building survey to plan your proposed works. Not only will you need the survey to plan any proposed changes, it is also a mandatory requirement of your local authority to have existing floor layout plans & elevations as part of any planning / building regulations application.
What is a measured building survey?
A measured building survey is an accurate representation of your existing property showing all the structural elements and architectural features that have previously been designed & built, in essence it is a line drawing depicting the building as it currently stands, both in terms of elevations & floor layouts.
If you appoint LM Associates to undertake a measured building survey of your property, our friendly team will visit you at your home and take all the required measurements, pictures & drainage locations (Soil pipe, rain water pipes & local manholes) required to produce scale floor plans and elevations.
Having measured your property we will produce a CAD drawing and provide a digital copy of the measured survey at a scale to suit your needs. The measured survey can then be used to provide a basis for an extension and or alterations to your property. Naturally as a practice of RIBA Chartered Architects & Planning Consultants we would be more than happy to provide a no obligation consultation & fee quotation for any extension or alterations you require.